User Instructions
These instructions are designed for the user or for an instructor on how and why to use e-Travel Advisories. In all cases, youshould be logged onto the internet and at the home page of
Purpose of Traveler Advisories
Travelers: The personalized e-Travel Advisory, since its inception in 1988, is designed to provide travelers with “know before you go information” before they travel and access to information that could affect the quality of their travel while they are traveling. Providing this personalized document essentially prevents the traveler or employee from threatening legal action for not being advised of documentation or risks prior to traveling. Copies of manual and automatic emailed Advisories are retained for your protection.
Agents: The e-Travel Advisory and its corresponding e-Travel Alerts databases are comprehensive sources of current “travel risk intelligence” information intended to:
1. protect the integrity of the itinerary and the safety of the traveler
2. protect the liability of the agent,
3. protect the liability of corporate travel management,
4. demonstrate the value-added services of the agency,
5. assist agents to quickly respond to customer questions.
Home Page

e-Travel Alerts (Located in upper right information box)
Available in your language of choice, is a real time list of the four most recent events that may affect a traveler"s itinerary or safety and is available to anyone visiting our home page. The complete list of today’s events are available to registered users after you login.
Marquee (Located below Menu Bar):
Late Breaking News is travel industry related updates displayed in a moving marquee.
Upper Menu Bar
Click on About Us to learn a little about who we are,our Mission Statement, what our customer say about us, recent news about latest customers, new distribution partrners
Click on Subscribe to access subscription forms to start your agency’s account.
Click on Contact Us - Describes how to contact us for Sales and Marketing information as well as Customer Support. To save time, be sure to check FAQ’a for typical questions such as; HOW TO make changes to your existing profile (ie. Changing password or e-mail address, screen area setting, adding a price to the advisory and other interesting tips) This information is also available in French accessible by link at the top of that page.
Click on Agent Login to go to the agent Login page. This is where you enter your Login name and Password that we assign to you when your agency subscribes.
Middle Product Menu Bar

Click on this logofor a description and samples of this product.

Click on this logofor a description and samples of this product.

Click on this logofor a description and samples of this product.
Agent"s Page

The Agent Page is where the destination databases may be browsed and where you can print and email e-TravelAdvisories.
Menu Bar
Click on Customer Support to email any additions or deletions of agents. Be sure to include first name and last name of agents. Also use Customer Support to report any issues or difficulties that you are experiencing. Be sure to check FAQ before contacting us for assistance as answers to virtually every question in the past 5 years is provided.
Click on FAQfor answers to virtually every question e have received in the past 5 years (there aren’t that many).
Click on Resource Links – Quickly review the three categories – Useful Links, Global News, and Industry News as this area is an excellent “source” of day-to-day agent information.
The database will default to the database selected in Account Details described below. Click on the pull down arrow to select the database you wish to Browse or from which you will create an Advisory. For
departures select
database, for Canadian departures select Canadian English or French databases.
Use Browse to select the destination to respond to customer questions, such as visa and passport requirements, tourist board and embassy/consulate contact information, health and medical, weather etc.
Use the scroll key to select one of the 260+ country/city/destination Advisories. Review 30 categories and emphasize the “liability” topics, specifically: Alerts, Entry Requirements, Warnings, Health and Medical, Local Laws and Customs. Links provide more detailed information from source. In Local Contact , view tourist board phone e-mail and web site contacts. View Public Holidays and Climate and explain the Advisory will only display public holidays and climate based on the selected travel period.
Click on the BACK arrow at the top of your browser to go back to the main agent screen again.
Print / Email Advisory
Type the Traveler"s Name in the appropriate field.
Type the Traveler"s e-mail address if you plan to e-mail the advisory to your customer otherwise; just go to the next field.
Select the required Destination by clicking on the scroll key
Click on scroll key to select the Departure Date and the Return Date of the traveler.
The Citizenship area will be pre-selected as “US or Canadian” depending which database you have selected; however if your customer is not a US/Canadian citizen, you must select the Non-US / Non Canadian. Text in the advisory with important information for the non-US or non-Canadian passport holder as well as links for their entry requirements prevents the customer from taking recourse against the agency regarding visa or passport requirements.
E-mailing the Advisory
When you have entered all information, go to the menu on the right side and click on the e-mail button. A message will appear “E-mail Sent”. You have the option of sending the e-mail in plain text format or in html format complete with logos and color, or both. Some corporate mail servers block html format to prevent spam. We assure you that your clients will be able to read at least one e-mailed advisory. The agent who sends the e-mailed travel advisory will receive a copyof the advisory sent to the client. For liability protection, we recommend that agents keep one copy of the e-mailed advisory in an e-mail folder for at least one year. Click on email Type to change from html format to text format if you know your client’s mail serve will not accept html emails. Note: default is html. The emailed Advisory has a link at the top of the page for the traveler to retrieve the most current version of their Advisory while they are traveling.
Printing the Advisory
If you wish to print the advisory for your customer, click on the Print button.
A preview of the Advisory will appear and and then a printer dialogue box will appear. Simply click on the Print button as you would with other printing. Another option for printing is to right click on the preview screen and click on the Print button. We recommend that you also print a second copy of the Advisory to retain in the customer"s file for liability protection.
Click Here for Passport / Visa information – to quickly determine entry requirements for non-U.S and non-Cdn passport holders. These links are also included in the Advisory’s Entry Requirements for this category of travelers.
Daily Alerts opt-in email
An Alert is an event at a destination that could affect the itinerary or the safety of the traveler.
• The e-Travel Alerts are included as the first category in all travel advisories. It is recommended that you advise your customer to check alerts while travelling by “Clicking here for the most up to date Alerts and Advisory” link in their Advisory.
• You may also review our database of all Alerts for each destination by selecting the destination in the pull down menu at the top of the Alerts
The daily Alerts email is sent out about mid-day EST. By subscribing to this email you will be kept up to date even on those days where you may not have to enter our site.
Now that you have logged in, you have has access to a comprehensive list of e-Travel Alerts. It is recommended that you review all alerts before completing an itinerary for that destination.
Account Details
Click on Account Details at the bottom of the page to change your profile and default settings.
The agent can change his/her profile settings after logging in. Once you make your change, you simply click on“Save”. The agent must logout and re-login for the change to take effect.
Password – You may change your Password. You may not change your Login ID.
(Note: Changing the Login ID can only be done by Customer Support).
e-mail Address – Displays your current email address which is required for you to e-mail advisories to your customer. You may change the e-mail address.
Price – Setting the amount to 0 (zero) will appear on the Advisory as “Complimentary”. Most of our subscribers are showing a price on the Advisory, stating “It is included in your service fees”. In addition, some agencies are starting to charge a fee. If you would like a price to be reflected, we recommend that all your agents use the same price.
Database - The Advisory database is set up to default to one of our three databases. Select the corresponding database to create Advisories for US or Canadian passport holders. Note: Advisories for Canadian may be created in either English or French languages. Whatever database is present when you log off will be the default database when you next login.

e-Client Alerts
Your subscription includes the optional automatic e-Client Alerts service. When an Alert is “posted” to a destination, the system will identify all “active” Traveler Advisories to that destination, ie Advisories that have been issued with a return date subsequent to today’s date, and automatically emails just that Alert to those travelers. Traveler"s are immediately advised about events that could affect their travel plans, their itineraries or their safety.Up to 5 copies of this Alert can be sent to your 24/7 Customer Support service, your Travel Tracking process, the agent, the Corporate Travel Manager, etc. This state of the art service is extremely valuable to both corporate and leisure clients and is recognized as a significant contribution to your professional and value added services.
eMail To: Mr. Sample Traveler:
The following event (eg) has been reported that could affect your itinerary or your safety:
Greece: Jan 12- US Warden Message: US Embassyin Athens attacked by rocket. Details
Travel Safe ... Travel Smart...
· The Agency Manager is required to advise e-Travel Technologies Customer Service when there is a new employee to be added or deleted to the service. Please e-mail [email protected] call 1-866-319-4847.
· The contractual agreement with e-Travel Technologies Inc recommends the retention of printed and/or e-mailed Advisories for one year for agency liability protection.
· If there is no activity for a period of one hour, the system may lock out the user, requiring the user to return to the home page and login again.
· Automatic Advisories are available for TMC’s using GDSX Compleat and Cornerstone’ iBank, as well as Uniglobe agencies in
North America
. Contact Customer Support for more information.
• The Agency Manager is required to advise e-Travel Technologies Administrator when there is a new employee to be added or deleted to the service. Please e-mail: info@O1yqv46^ or call 1-866-319-4847 .
• The contractual agreement with e-Travel Technologies Inc recommends the retention of printed and/or e-mailed Advisories for one year for agency liability protection.
• If there is no activity for a period of one hour, the system may lock out the user, requiring the user to return to the home page and login again. |