Why e-Travel Advisories

The advisory, serves as the core of your travel risk management service, which is issued by the agent at time of booking or automatically by your mid-office system (see distribution partners ... Concur; Core Technologies; Cornerstone; Agency Technologies; Back office accounting - TRAMS, Travcom, etc).

Provides liability protection to agency and corporate travel managers for *entry requirements as well as known travel risks at the destination

Addresses travel safety and securityresponsibilities ofretail agencies, TMC's and CTM's as well as prevalentCorporate Duty of Care responsibilities

Valued added service to traveler ("its included in your service fee")

TMC's now using as a revenue source

*...have long since replaced Timatic as the source for visa/passport information at a large multi-national TMC..."

For more about e-Travel Advisories go to www.TravelJourneyManagement.com

View this brochureand Flowchart
View Sample Advisory

How do travelers get their personal Advisory ?

(see Agent Dashboard)

Advisories are "pushed" to travelers by:
1. emailed byagentat time of bookingor issuinge-ticket/itinerary
2. automatically emailed to client when agent or self booked PNR hits mid office system
3. printout by the agent for client on request or at time of booking
4. reference: User Instructions for ease of use, andour User FAQ"s

Feature:emailed Advisories include a link for the traveler to "pull" the most current version of their personal Advisorybefore and whilethey travel to review updates or additional Alerts.

What does an Advisory include?

  • Agency logo and agent name and email address
  • Current and recente-Travel Alerts (see e-Travel Alerts)
  • Visa and Passport entry requirements for US and Canadian citizens
  • Links for Visa and Passport entry requirements for any passport holder
  • Government warnings
  • Health and medical requirements
  • Embassies consulates here and there
  • Weather links, airport info, business hours, etc
  • International driving permits application link
  • Up to 30 categories of "know before you go" information
  • plus many more destination and travel related links

    Travel Smart... Travel Safe